Skidmore To Go Box

Planning an event with other Skidmore alumni?  Let us help make it special!  Skidmore To Go ideas: weddings, getaway reunion weekends with your housemates, a home viewing party of Skidmania or athletic events, anything that brings together a group of Skiddies!  

We will provide the resources you need to make your alumni event a success.  Contents include Skidmore nametags, Skidmore cocktail napkins, a paper Skidmore banner, favors for your guests, and a special gift for you!

All you need to do is tell us a little bit about your event by answering a few short questions.  It's as easy as that and we will send your Skidmore on the Go box out to you by mail (NOTE: please allow at least 3 weeks for your box to arrive.)

If you have any questions please contact Carissa Miles in the Office of Alumni Engagement via email or phone 518-580-5618.

Please let us know who came to your event!

Send a list of guest names and pictures to Carissa.  Feel free to hashtag your photos on Facebook or Twitter with #SkidmoreToGo and #Skid4Life.

Skidmore To Go!
Skidmore To Go!

Primary E-mail: Required Field

Event Information
Open the calendar popup.

Type of Gathering
Type of Gathering

Is this a personal or general event? Required Field
Is this a personal or general event?
Would you like us to formally invite Skiddies from your area? Required Field
Would you like us to formally invite Skiddies from your area?